Homemade Uncrustables Recipe

Homemade Uncrustables Recipe

During the pandemic, my kids’ school sent home Uncrustable sandwiches for the kids to eat for lunch. My daughters didn’t care that much for them, but my son, who was only four at the time, fell in love with them! He ate all his sisters’ sandwiches and begged for more!

In just a few days, my son will start kindergarten. I wanted to be able to put his beloved Uncrustable sandwiches in his lunchbox, but the premade ones just aren’t in my grocery budget. So, I decided to make them myself!

I bought this super cheap sandwich cutter on Amazon. You could just use a round cookie cutter or large jar lid and then seal together the sides using fork tines. But I decided to be professional and get the real thing! I figure I’ll be making many of these sandwiches in the future.

Then I just got to work slapping good ole PB&J’s together. The great thing about making these yourself is that you get to choose the type of bread and filling for the sandwiches. I went with the classic this time, and I used our homemade strawberry jam that we make every year. But I’m definitely seeing some Nutella Uncrustables in the future, and maybe some other fun combos.

Once I had my sandwiches made, I just pressed the round cutter down on each sandwich, then the sealer to seal the sides. I had to use a little elbow grease and push down kind of hard to make sure they cut through the sandwich and sealed it up. My bread was a little smooshed up so some of the sandwiches still had a little crust on them and didn’t look perfectly cute, but other than that it was a success!

After I got all of my sandwiches cut and sealed, I spread them out on a baking sheet and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. Once they were frozen, I put them into individual baggies and put them back in the freezer. I’m guessing they’ll stay good for about a month or so in the freezer. They probably won’t last that long anyway!

Now my son is excited about packing his lunchbox for school and I am excited that I saved a few bucks. All is good in the world!

Homemade Uncrustables

Homemade Uncrustables

A homemade version of the popular lunchbox classic that is sure to put a smile on your child's face!
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Lunch
Cuisine American
Servings 6


  • 12 slices your preferred sandwich bread
  • 12 tbsp peanut butter
  • 6 tbsp jam or jelly


  • Prepare peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as you normally would. I used an assembly line style to prepare multiple sandwiches at once and have them ready for cutting.
  • Use a sandwich cutter to cut and seal each sandwich. Alternately, use a round cookie cutter or large jar lid to cut the sandwiches, then seal the edges using the tines of a fork.
  • Spread sandwiches on a single layer on a large baking sheet and flash freeze 1-2 hours.
  • Place frozen sandwiches in individual sandwich bags or wrap in plastic wrap. Freeze for up to 1 month.
  • Place frozen sandwiches in your child's lunch box in the morning and they will be thawed by lunch. Or defrost in microwave for 30 seconds. Enjoy!
Keyword kids lunch, lunchbox, PB&J, school lunch, Uncrustable